WorkerD is a small library to use Web Worker more easily. In original Web Worker, there are some troublesome of using it. It is

  • Dependency
  • Hardly debugging without console
  • Hardly to setup a Worker

WorkerD has some features of it.

  1. Support console.everything(well, almost).
  2. Support requirejs
  3. Use event more easily(your don't need to bind event again and again....)


It is the easist way to start to use.

bower install WorkerD


  1. Download the latest WorkerD
  2. Add to your project
  3. require("lib/WorkerD")

to be continue...


If you want to run it on your machine, please make sure you have installed this.

Following the steps to setup environment:

  1. git clone
  2. cd WorkerD
  3. npm install
  4. bower install

Run server

grunt server

Build WorkerD.js

grunt build-WorkerD

It will build on the path release/WorkerD.js